The future of Motorola

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Summary: The new Smartphone launched by Motorola is a top nocht product i Identified as the model “Moto C”, it seems Motorola has started to do intermediate quality tech with not so overpriced costs for the market, since this entry of the C model line has great features of classic Motorola technology like the ones in the past, then they decided that best course of action is to target the main community of smartphone buyers – the low-medium gamma quality of technology. It comes with the Android sy

The new Smartphone launched by Motorola is a top nocht product i

Identified as the model “Moto C”, it seems Motorola has started to do intermediate quality tech with not so overpriced costs for the market, since this entry of the C model line has great features of classic Motorola technology like the ones in the past, then they decided that best course of action is to target the main community of smartphone buyers – the low-medium gamma quality of technology.

It comes with the Android system Nougat (the 7.0), with a size of 5 inches and a display resolution of 854x480 (the regular Moto C, the plus has a quarter more; 1280 x 720), and both phone models are LTE type. The regular features that are certainly not the best ones are the rear and front camera which comes equipped with 5 megapixels and 2 megapixels respectively; although for a surprise they have flash.

Nevertheless that is not appealing since many people who go to a shop to get a smartphone are always having the camera capacity in mind as an important element of the formula.

motorola c plus 2

Information about this C line model is basically leaked, so there could be unknown specifics we should be informed about but for now there isn’t pricing information available yet, but since the smartphone will be part of a less expensive line of devices then there’s an estimate of $200 or maybe less.

The Good and The Better

It has become natural trending of technology’s advancements the strategy of releasing a series of smartphones in a regular version and the plus version too at the same time. Before, it was an early release in the year of the first version and later in mid-year the Plus or “S” one.

Upgrades are faster than just a couple of months so now it is common that a direct release of both versions gets done, the difference comes with a simple change of course with the direction of the product to at least two different kinds of customers; the ones looking for affordable tech that presents practical but with complete functions, and another kind of product which allows for a wider range of possibility, flexibility and expansion; and of course more expensive.

If we look closely, the difference between the Motorola C and the C Plus are not necessarily bigger as people often think of many offers like this in the market. One has 1 GB of memory RAM also 8 GB of internal storage, the camera comes with 5 mp and 2 mp (both cameras), the display resolution is of 854 x 480.

Then, the other improved version is often the double in quantity of the former at almost every aspect. Starting from the Moto C display resolution which is 1280x720; a fair amount of 2 GB of RAM; 16GB of internal space (which is actually low for a plus version) and the Camera has 8 Megapixels instead of five (the rear one).

The phones will possible result in success according to the exact expectations Motorola (or more precisely Lenovo) had in mind when putting together their 2017’s year entry.

Tags: News - Smartphone - Motorola

Christopher Miller
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