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Summary: The Navdy system and you! – Driving like you never had imagined before, having an interface that aids you and doesn’t distract you from the actual road because is integrated into your own car and vehicle vision… and it’s great display system comes from the freshness and constant innovation of top enterprises from the great minds of Silicon Valley; Navdy is an smart integrated navigation system for automobiles (for now!), it changes up the dynamic of phones and cars work

The Navdy system and you! – Driving like you never had imagined before, having an interface that aids you and doesn’t distract you from the actual road because is integrated into your own car and vehicle vision… and it’s great display system comes from the freshness and constant innovation of top enterprises from the great minds of Silicon Valley; Navdy is an smart integrated navigation system for automobiles (for now!), it changes up the dynamic of phones and cars working together in an important capacity of course, by giving up interaction that allows you, the driver, to be interconnected to the network of information while driving the car and never losing sight of where you’re going and how well you need to drive.

Put together as a smartphone application, the Navdy app links both your Android or Iphone device for giving you Wi-Fi connection and direct access to maps, destinations, contacts and other settings like even apps that help you connect and collect with information.

Thanks to an alliance with Google Maps, the Navdy system integrates an automatically generated search for routes and traffic analyzing adapted to where you want to go, and that’s a working system that can aid you even when you’re out of the network or have issues with your phone like overcharging and low battery.

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Features and the how it works

One of the main wonders of the app is the fact that you are not in need of any professional service to “install it” on your car since all the hard work is done by your phone device; Navdy comes with a special mount (like those iPod speakers) where you positioned your smartphone in the most comfortable way for you as the person who drives and the flexibility of its material lets you shape it till it fix into a right base and location, giving you even the possibility of adjusting its height and after all is done it keeps it all together with the aid of tiny magnets that maintain it attached during all your trip.

Besides the mount, it comes with a dial that can be spin, and that’s the main tool you need to be careful with since it’s how you interact with the app display while driving. The user needs to put it on the steering wheel which is the single adequate position for it.

Then, after those too simple steps we configure what we want to see through the Navdy app in order to make a good trip and then we’re finally good to go. Set up your main tools and search during the road which song you want to hear, what suggestions may come handy to you regarding the route you took and if there’s a better way to get to the desired destination. Control your phone as a whole without even touching it, you can see who is calling you and check up on important text messages or Whatsapp, Facebook chat and more. Everything will remain under control when Navdy is on its way with you during each trip you take.

Tags: News - Technology - Amazon

Christopher Miller
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